January 29, 2009
Hello, Hello!

Posted by Lauren Devine at 10:14 AM 0 comments
January 28, 2009
Good Morning!

Anywho, I must give credit to Dawn Griffith (www.dawnsstampingthoughts.typepad.com) for the great layout! She is such a wonderful resource and person! Well Stampers, Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday and I will see you tomorrow!
Posted by Lauren Devine at 3:50 AM 0 comments
January 23, 2009
Better Late Than Never...
Hello happy people! As the title indicates, I have been a bit of a procrastinator. I am just now going to upload the card I made for SCS's Sketch Challenge which any of you who know about or participate in this know that the challenge is done on Wednesdays. I know, I know. Tsk, tsk on me. Anywho, I made a large Valentine's card using My Mind's Eye patterned paper, Purely Pomegranite and Whisper White Cardstock and Close to Cocoa ink pad by SU!, and Making Memories brads. The shapes were cut out using the 'Home Accents' cartridge for my Cricut Expressions.

Posted by Lauren Devine at 12:17 PM 0 comments
January 22, 2009
Craftin' Babies
Hello happy people! So here we go, my first post with an upload. HOORAY! These are the cards that the boys 'made' for their Papa. My dad was admitted to the ICU on the 8th due to having a high fever and red splotches around a wound that he got from falling over the coffee table. Come to find out that small wound got a staph infection in it, which then began a domino effect. Because my dad has a lung disease and is susceptible infections, the staph infection caused a bad strain of pneumonia which then release toxins into his blood stream and he went into septic shock. It was a very scary time but luckily he had a lot of people praying for him and was blessed with some wonderful doctors and nurses and is on his way to recovery.
So while in the hospital I decided to have the boys make him 'Get Well' cards. For anyone who knows my dad, there is nothing on earth that my dad loves more than his grandbabies. This one on the right was from Kyan, aka KyKy, and he drew a very pretty picture on the inside. The designer paper is by Basic Grey and the cardstock, stamps, ribbon, and ink are Stampin Up!
The card on the left was from Colton. The patterned paper is also by Basic Grey and the cardstock is SU! The ribbon and brads are by Making Memories, circle 'Hugs to You' stamp is by Hero Arts.
Papa was really thrilled with the cards along with a video that the boys made for him. It made his day! Well stampers, until next time have a terrific Thursday!
Posted by Lauren Devine at 2:16 PM 0 comments
January 21, 2009
Hello happy people! My name is Lauren and this is my first post! I am definitely new to the blog scene although I'm relatively young (23). Most would think that blogging would be second nature, growing in the computer age and all. My goal for this blog is to create a fun and relaxing place where people come to get ideas for their own crafting ventures. As I get the hang of blogging I ask that you please be patient and give suggestions if you ever have any useful ideas. I can always use the extra help. I would love to have you take this journey with me as we explore our creativity together. Until next time stampers, have a wonderful Wednesday!
Lauren ^-^
Posted by Lauren Devine at 6:07 PM 0 comments