Hello happy people! What a busy week it's been! My dad came home from the hospital as I mentioned, but that same day Colton (4) got really sick. His teacher called me from school and said he hadn't eaten any of his lunch which is HIGHLY unusual. So I went and got him, by this time he had a temperature of 101 degrees and he was saying his legs and back hurt. So I took him to urgent care and they tested him for a kidney infection and for Strep but both tests came back negative. Just as a precaution the Dr. prescribed some Amoxicillin. Then, last night he says, "Mommy, I'm hot and itchy." And then I noticed it...HIVES! I am no amateur when it comes to hives because Kyan (2) gets them all the time. So it turns out Colton may be allergic to penicillin. JUST PEACHY! Lol. Anyways, on to today's card!

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